Source code for hawk_eye.data_generation.create_detection_data

#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" This script generates training data for the object detector model. The output will be
images and the corresponding COCO metadata jsons. For most RetinaNet related training we
can train on images with _and without_ targets. Training on images without any targets
is valuable so the model sees that not every image will have a target, as this is the
real life case. """

import dataclasses
from typing import List, Tuple
import multiprocessing
import random
import json
import pathlib

from tqdm import tqdm
import PIL
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFilter
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageOps

from hawk_eye.data_generation import generate_config as config
from hawk_eye.core import asset_manager

# Get constants from config

[docs]def generate_all_images(gen_type: pathlib.Path, num_gen: int, offset: int = 0) -> None: """Main function which prepares all the relevant information regardining data generation. Data will be generated using a multiprocessing pool for efficiency. Args: gen_type: The name of the data being generated. num_gen: The number of images to generate. offset: TODO(alex): Are we still using this? """ # Make the proper folders for storing the data. images_dir = pathlib.Path(gen_type) / "images" images_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) r_state = random.getstate() random.seed(f"{gen_type}{offset}") # All the random selection is generated ahead of time, that way # the process can be resumed without the shapes changing on each # run. base_shapes = {shape: get_base_shapes(shape) for shape in config.SHAPE_TYPES} numbers = list(range(offset, num_gen + offset)) # Create a random list of the background files. backgrounds = random_list(get_backgrounds(), num_gen) flip_bg = random_list([False, True], num_gen) mirror_bg = random_list([False, True], num_gen) blurs = random_list([1], num_gen) num_targets = random_list(range(1, MAX_SHAPES), num_gen) crop_xs = random_list(range(0, config.FULL_SIZE[0] - config.CROP_SIZE[0]), num_gen) crop_ys = random_list(range(0, config.FULL_SIZE[1] - config.CROP_SIZE[1]), num_gen) num_targets = 1 shape_params = [] for i in range(num_gen): shape_names = random_list(config.SHAPE_TYPES, num_targets) bases = [random.choice(base_shapes[shape]) for shape in shape_names] alphas = random_list(config.ALPHAS, num_targets) font_files = random_list(config.ALPHA_FONTS, num_targets) target_colors = random_list(TARGET_COLORS, num_targets) alpha_colors = random_list(ALPHA_COLORS, num_targets) # Make sure shape and alpha are different colors for i, target_color in enumerate(target_colors): while alpha_colors[i] == target_color: alpha_colors[i] = random.choice(ALPHA_COLORS) target_rgbs = [random.choice(COLORS[color]) for color in target_colors] alpha_rgbs = [random.choice(COLORS[color]) for color in alpha_colors] sizes = random_list(range(20, 100), num_targets) angles = random_list(range(0, 360), num_targets) xs = random_list(range(120, config.CROP_SIZE[0] - 120), num_targets) ys = random_list(range(120, config.CROP_SIZE[1] - 120), num_targets) shape_params.append( list( zip( shape_names, bases, alphas, font_files, sizes, angles, target_colors, target_rgbs, alpha_colors, alpha_rgbs, xs, ys, ) ) ) random.setstate(r_state) # Generate data in a multiprocessing pool to use the specified amount of CPU # resources. We have to be careful to ensure we do not access and background image # at the same time. We use a manager dictionary to let us know if the image to be # opened is already being read somewhere else. data = zip( numbers, backgrounds, crop_xs, crop_ys, flip_bg, mirror_bg, blurs, shape_params, [gen_type] * num_gen, ) with multiprocessing.Pool(None) as pool: processes = pool.imap_unordered(generate_single_example, data) for _ in tqdm(processes, total=num_gen): pass create_coco_metadata( gen_type / "images", gen_type / ("val_coco.json" if "val" in else "train_coco.json"), )
[docs]def generate_single_example(data) -> None: """Creates a single full image""" ( number, background_path, crop_x, crop_y, flip_bg, mirror_bg, blur, shape_params, gen_type, ) = data data_path = config.DATA_DIR / gen_type / "images" labels_fn = data_path / f"ex_{number}.json" img_fn = data_path / f"ex_{number}{config.IMAGE_EXT}" background = assert background is not None background = background.crop( (crop_x, crop_y, crop_x + config.CROP_SIZE[0], crop_y + config.CROP_SIZE[1]) ) if flip_bg: background = ImageOps.flip(background) if mirror_bg: background = ImageOps.mirror(background) if random.randint(0, 100) / 100 >= config.EMPTY_TILE_PROB: shape_imgs = [create_shape(*shape_param) for shape_param in shape_params] shape_bboxes, background = add_shapes( background, shape_imgs, shape_params, blur ) else: shape_bboxes = [] background = background.resize(config.DETECTOR_SIZE) objects = [ { "class_id": shape_bbox[0], "x1": shape_bbox[1], "y1": shape_bbox[2], "w": shape_bbox[3], "h": shape_bbox[4], } for shape_bbox in shape_bboxes ] labels_fn.write_text(json.dumps({"bboxes": objects, "image_id": number}, indent=2))
[docs]def add_shapes( background: PIL.Image.Image, shape_imgs: PIL.Image.Image, shape_params, blur_radius: int, ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]], PIL.Image.Image]: """Paste shapes onto background and return bboxes""" shape_bboxes: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]] = [] for i, shape_param in enumerate(shape_params): x = shape_param[-2] y = shape_param[-1] shape_img = shape_imgs[i] x1, y1, x2, y2 = shape_img.getbbox() bg_at_shape = background.crop((x1 + x, y1 + y, x2 + x, y2 + y)) bg_at_shape.paste(shape_img, (0, 0), shape_img) bg_at_shape = bg_at_shape.filter(ImageFilter.MedianFilter(3)) background.paste(bg_at_shape, (x, y)) im_w, im_h = background.size x /= im_w y /= im_h w = (x2 - x1) / im_w h = (y2 - y1) / im_h shape_bboxes.append((CLASSES.index(shape_param[0]), x, y, w, h)) """ shape_bboxes.append( ( CLASSES.index(shape_param[2]), x + (0.1 * w), y + (0.1 * h), 0.8 * w, 0.8 * h, ) ) """ return shape_bboxes, background.convert("RGB")
[docs]def get_backgrounds() -> List[pathlib.Path]: """ Get a list of all the background images. """ # Cover all the necessary extensions exts, filenames = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"], [] for backgrounds_folder in config.BACKGROUNDS_DIRS: for ext in exts: filenames.extend(list(backgrounds_folder.rglob(f"*.{ext}"))) filenames.extend(list(backgrounds_folder.rglob(f"*.{ext.upper()}"))) print(f"Found {len(filenames)} backgrounds.") return filenames
[docs]def get_base_shapes(shape): """Get the base shape images for a given shapes""" # For now just using the first one to prevent bad alpha placement return [ for base_path in (config.BASE_SHAPES_DIRS[0] / shape).glob("*.png") ]
[docs]def random_list(items, count): """Get a list of items with length count""" return [random.choice(items) for i in range(0, count)]
[docs]def create_shape( shape, base, alpha, font_file, size, angle, target_color, target_rgb, alpha_color, alpha_rgb, x, y, ) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Create a shape given all the input parameters""" image = get_base(base, target_rgb, size) image = strip_image(image) image = add_alphanumeric(image, shape, alpha, alpha_rgb, font_file) w, h = image.size ratio = min(size / w, size / h) image = image.resize((int(w * ratio), int(h * ratio)), 1) image = rotate_shape(image, angle) image = strip_image(image) return image
[docs]def get_base(base, target_rgb, size): """Copy and recolor the base shape""" image = base.copy() image = image.resize((256, 256), 1) image = image.convert("RGBA") r, g, b = target_rgb for x in range(image.width): for y in range(image.height): pr, pg, pb, _ = image.getpixel((x, y)) if pr != 255 or pg != 255 or pb != 255: image.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b, 255)) return image
[docs]def strip_image(image: PIL.Image.Image) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Remove white and black edges""" for x in range(image.width): for y in range(image.height): r, g, b, _ = image.getpixel((x, y)) if r > 247 and g > 247 and b > 247: image.putpixel((x, y), (0, 0, 0, 0)) image = image.crop(image.getbbox()) return image
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass class alpha_params: font_multiplier: Tuple[int, int]
def add_alphanumeric( image: PIL.Image.Image, shape: str, alpha, alpha_rgb: Tuple[int, int, int], font_file, ) -> PIL.Image.Image: alpha_info = { "circle": alpha_params((0.35, 0.65)), "cross": alpha_params((0.35, 0.65)), "pentagon": alpha_params((0.35, 0.65)), "quarter-circle": alpha_params((0.35, 0.65)), "rectangle": alpha_params((0.35, 0.7)), "semicircle": alpha_params((0.35, 0.75)), "square": alpha_params((0.30, 0.8)), "star": alpha_params((0.25, 0.55)), "trapezoid": alpha_params((0.25, 0.75)), "triangle": alpha_params((0.25, 0.6)), } font_multiplier = random.uniform(*alpha_info[shape].font_multiplier) # Set font size, select font style from fonts file, set font color font_size = int(round(font_multiplier * image.height)) font = ImageFont.truetype(str(font_file), font_size) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) w, h = draw.textsize(alpha, font=font) x = (image.width - w) / 2 y = (image.height - h) / 2 # Adjust centering of alphanumerics on shapes if shape == "pentagon": pass elif shape == "semicircle": pass elif shape == "rectangle": pass elif shape == "trapezoid": y -= 20 elif shape == "star": pass elif shape == "triangle": x -= 24 y += 12 elif shape == "quarter-circle": y -= 40 x += 14 elif shape == "cross": y -= 25 elif shape == "square": y -= 10 elif shape == "circle": y -= 50 else: pass draw.text((x, y), alpha, alpha_rgb, font=font) return image def rotate_shape(image, angle): return image.rotate(angle, expand=1) def create_coco_metadata(data_dir: pathlib.Path, out_path: pathlib.Path) -> None: images = [] annotations = [] categories = [] for idx, name in enumerate(CLASSES): categories.append({"supercategory": "none", "name": name, "id": idx}) jsons = sorted(list(data_dir.glob("*.json"))) for label_file in jsons: labels = json.loads(label_file.read_text()) images.append( { "file_name": label_file.with_suffix(f"{config.IMAGE_EXT}").name, "width": config.DETECTOR_SIZE[0], "height": config.DETECTOR_SIZE[1], "id": labels["image_id"], } ) # Now record the labels for label in labels["bboxes"]: x1, y1 = ( int(label["x1"] * config.DETECTOR_SIZE[0]), int(label["y1"] * config.DETECTOR_SIZE[1]), ) w, h = ( int(label["w"] * config.DETECTOR_SIZE[0]), int(label["h"] * config.DETECTOR_SIZE[1]), ) annotations.append( { "id": len(annotations), "bbox": [x1, y1, w, h], "category_id": label["class_id"], "iscrowd": 0, "area": w * h, "image_id": labels["image_id"], "segmentation": [[x1, y1, x1, y1 + h, x1 + w, y1 + h, x1 + w, y1]], } ) out_path.write_text( json.dumps( {"categories": categories, "images": images, "annotations": annotations}, indent=2, ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": # Pull the assets if not present locally. asset_manager.pull_all() generate_all_images( config.DATA_DIR / "detector_train", config.DET_TRAIN_IMAGES, config.DET_TRAIN_OFFSET, ) generate_all_images( config.DATA_DIR / "detector_val", config.DET_VAL_IMAGES, config.DET_VAL_OFFSET, )