Source code for hawk_eye.core.detector

"""A detector model which wraps around a feature extraction backbone, fpn, and RetinaNet
head.This allows for easy interchangeability during experimentation and a reliable way to
load saved models."""

import collections
import pathlib
from typing import List

import torch
import yaml

    from hawk_eye.core import asset_manager
except ModuleNotFoundError:
from hawk_eye.core import fpn
from third_party.vovnet import vovnet
from third_party.detectron2 import postprocess
from third_party.detectron2 import regression
from third_party.detectron2 import anchors
from third_party.detectron2 import retinanet_head

[docs]class Detector(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, model_params: dict = None, timestamp: str = None, confidence: float = 0.05, num_detections_per_image: int = 100, half_precision: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.half_precision = half_precision self.num_detections_per_image = num_detections_per_image self.confidence = confidence if model_params is None and timestamp is None: raise ValueError("Must supply either model timestamp or backbone to load") # If a timestamp is given, download it. if timestamp is not None: # For the distributed pip package, look inside `production_models` production_models = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "production_models" if production_models.is_dir(): model_path = production_models / timestamp else: # Download the model. This has the yaml containing the backbone. model_path = asset_manager.download_model("detector", timestamp) config = yaml.safe_load((model_path / "config.yaml").read_text()) model_params = config["model"] self._load_params(config["model"]) else: self._load_params(model_params) self.backbone = self._load_backbone(self.backbone) self.backbone.delete_classification_head() self.fpn = self._load_fpn(self.fpn_type, self.backbone.get_pyramid_channels()) assert len(self.anchor_sizes) == len(self.fpn_levels) self.anchors = anchors.AnchorGenerator( img_height=self.img_height, img_width=self.img_width, pyramid_levels=self.fpn_levels, aspect_ratios=self.aspect_ratios, sizes=self.anchor_sizes, anchor_scales=self.anchor_scales, ) # Create the retinanet head. self.retinanet_head = retinanet_head.RetinaNetHead( self.num_classes, in_channels=self.fpn_channels, anchors_per_cell=self.anchors.num_anchors_per_cell, num_convolutions=self.num_head_convs, use_dw=self.retinanet_head_dw, ) if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.anchors.all_anchors = self.anchors.all_anchors.cuda() self.anchors.anchors_over_all_feature_maps = [ anchors.cuda() for anchors in self.anchors.anchors_over_all_feature_maps ] self.cuda() self.image_size = model_params.get("image_size", 512) self.postprocess = postprocess.PostProcessor( num_classes=self.num_classes, image_size=self.image_size, all_anchors=self.anchors.all_anchors, regressor=regression.Regressor(), max_detections_per_image=num_detections_per_image, score_threshold=confidence, nms_threshold=0.2, ) # After all the components are initialized, load the weights. if timestamp is not None: self.load_state_dict( torch.load(model_path / "", map_location="cpu") ) self.eval() def _load_params(self, config: dict) -> None: """Function to parse the model definition params for later building.""" self.backbone = config.get("backbone") assert self.backbone is not None, "Please supply a backbone!" fpn_params = config.get("fpn") head_params = config.get("retinanet_head") assert fpn_params is not None, "Must supply a fpn section in the config." self.fpn_type = fpn_params.get("type") assert self.fpn_type is not None, "Must supply a fpn type." self.fpn_channels = fpn_params.get("num_channels", 128) self.fpn_use_dw = fpn_params.get("use_dw", False) self.num_head_convs = head_params.get("num_levels", 3) self.fpn_levels = fpn_params.get("levels", [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) self.retinanet_head_dw = head_params.get("use_dw") anchor_params = config.get("anchors") assert anchor_params is not None, "Please add an anchor section." self.aspect_ratios = anchor_params.get("aspect_ratios", [0.5, 1, 2]) self.anchor_sizes = anchor_params.get("sizes", [16, 32, 64, 128, 256]) self.anchor_scales = anchor_params.get("scales", [0.75, 1.0, 1.25]) self.img_height, self.img_width = config.get("img_size", [512, 512]) self.num_classes = config.get("num_classes", 10) def _load_backbone(self, backbone: str) -> torch.nn.Module: """Load the supplied backbone.""" if "vovnet" in backbone: model = vovnet.VoVNet(backbone) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported backbone {backbone}.") return model def _load_fpn(self, fpn_name: str, features: List[int]) -> torch.nn.Module: if "retinanet" in fpn_name: fpn_ = fpn.FPN( in_channels=features[-3:], out_channels=self.fpn_channels, num_levels=len(self.fpn_levels), use_dw=self.fpn_use_dw, ) return fpn_ def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: levels = self.backbone.forward_pyramids(x) # Only keep the levels specified during construction. levels = collections.OrderedDict( [item for item in levels.items() if item[0] in self.fpn_levels] ) levels = self.fpn(levels) classifications, regressions = self.retinanet_head(levels) if return classifications, regressions else: return self.postprocess(classifications, regressions)